Larry Cohen-搜索结果

  • 暴力大都会 Original Gangstas

    类型:剧情, 动作, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:Larry Cohen   编剧:Aubrey K. Rattan

    主演:Fred Williamson, Jim Brown, Pam Grier, Dru Down

      Marvin Bookman is a small shop owner in Gary, Indiana, USA. After he sees a drive-by shooting of Laurie Thompson's son by a local gang, he gives up the license number of the car to the police. The gang doesn't like this so they go to the store and rough him up. Soon, John Bookman comes to town to set the wrong things right. With the help of Laurie and his old friend Jake, they ...

  • 入侵者 The Invaders

    类型:剧情, 科幻, 惊悚

    导演:Larry Cohen   编剧:拉里·柯恩

    主演:Roy Thinnes, Hank Simms, William Woodson

      The Invaders, a Quinn Martin Production, is an ABC science fiction television program created by Larry

  • 哈莱姆地狱 Hell Up in Harlem

    类型:剧情, 动作, 犯罪

    导演:Larry Cohen   编剧:拉里·柯恩

    主演:Fred Williamson, Julius Harris, Gloria Hendry

  • 黑凯撒 Black Caesar

    类型:剧情, 犯罪

    导演:Larry Cohen   编剧:拉里·柯恩

    主演:Fred Williamson, Gloria Hendry, Art Lund

      Tommy Gibbs is a tough kid, raised in the ghetto, who aspires to be a kingpin criminal. As a young boy, his leg is broken by a bad cop on the take, during a payoff gone bad. Nursing his vengeance, he rises to power in Harlem, New York. Angry at the racist society around him, both criminal and straight, he sees the acquisition of power as the solution to his rage. He performs a ...

  • 异形大灾难 The Stuff

    类型:喜剧, 科幻, 悬疑, 恐怖

    导演:Larry Cohen   编剧:拉里·柯恩

    主演:迈克尔·莫里亚蒂, 保罗·索维诺, 丹尼·爱罗, 加勒特·莫里斯

      一群矿工在沙漠中意外发现了一种白色的、黏黏的"东西"(the stuff),尝起来甜甜的、很美味,美味到有点儿让人上瘾。于是这种东西被开采出来,包装成雪糕的样子进行销售,并号称“零糖分、零卡路里、质感幼滑、美味大满足”。
      the stuff很快俘获了全国消费者的心,大幅占据市场,使其他雪糕销售一落千丈。于是,雪糕行业聘了一个专卖垃圾食品的商人(Garrett Morris饰)去调查这种“东西”到底是什么东西,并去毁灭它。
      经过一番努力,Garrett Morris发现这种产自沙漠的美味“东西”实际上是有生命、有知觉的,背后的真相令人毛骨悚然:stuff会逐渐入侵使用者的大脑,最后使人变成僵尸样的怪物。
      查明真相后,一名退役军官(Paul Sorvino饰)带领一队兵团,与the stuff进行搏斗。